How we do it

Our selection process involves identifying cities that we believe would be highly attractive to expats for travel and living experiences.

In each of these chosen cities, we secure 2-bedroom accommodations equipped with kitchen facilities, similar to Airbnb rentals. Opting for 2-bedroom units serves a dual purpose: it allows for practicality, as individuals can travel with a friend or host guests, and it also helps reduce accommodation costs when shared between two couples or a group of four individuals. These accommodations are typically secured on an annual lease basis, which proves cost-effective compared to staying in hotels or traditional Airbnbs. Our aim is to maintain rental costs below $250 per week.

Our unique approach involves organizing member travel in a circular arrangement, akin to a wheel, where members move from one city to the next in the predetermined sequence. This arrangement ensures constant communication between those ahead and those following, allowing for the exchange of tips, recommendations, and insights about each city. Members receive valuable information about local attractions, their costs, and transportation options. While some cities have well-organized public transportation systems, others may require the use of ride-sharing services like Uber or Grab. The experiences of previous travelers help provide insights into these transportation choices.

One common challenge when exploring new cities is finding quality dining options at reasonable prices. Our members address this by continuously updating information about the best dining experiences, including hidden gems, as discovered during their trips. This ensures that you can enjoy the finest meals based on recommendations from those who have visited before you.

Similarly, for those who prefer cooking their own meals, previous travelers can provide guidance on the best shops and farmers’ markets offering quality produce at lower costs, helping to minimize food expenses.

Our community of members also shares insights on various hidden benefits, such as obtaining and using local SIM cards, accessing discount bus or train passes, and discovering entertainment options.

To foster a sense of community and facilitate interaction among members, we arrange regular gatherings, such as weekly Sunday meetups with other expats in each town. These events provide an opportunity to connect with fellow travelers, share experiences, and gain valuable insights about life in each city.

In each city, we select accommodations that are strategically located to minimize the need for public or private transportation. Most places of interest are within walking distance.

The key to our success in each city lies in our network of “ambassadors.” These local contacts have been residing in the cities we explore and have established connections with local realtors who assist us in finding suitable accommodations. These ambassadors also serve as your point of contact for any questions and assistance related to each city.

While organizing such an extensive endeavor incurs expenses, we plan to offset these costs by implementing a nominal annual membership fee for individuals interested in utilizing our club’s facilities. Further details regarding membership fees will be provided as we gauge interest from potential users of our club services.