WHAT DOES IT COST?

We prioritize cost-effectiveness by opting for annual home rentals, and these expenses are distributed among our traveling members. Here’s a rough estimate of the associated costs:

RENT: Rent for a two-bedroom condo typically averages around $1,000 per month, translating to approximately $250 per week.

HOUSEKEEPING: You can anticipate an estimated weekly cost of around $50 for housekeeping services.

FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT: This category’s expenses vary depending on your preferences. If you choose to prepare all your meals at your condo by purchasing groceries locally, the cost may hover around $100 per week. Please note that this figure excludes expenses related to alcoholic beverages. Opting to dine primarily in restaurants could increase this cost to around $250 per week. Costs associated with travel by buses and trains are generally minimal.

TRAVEL: The expenses for intercity travel are estimated to be approximately $100.

In summary, the total estimated costs for a couple per week are as follows:

  • RENT:                                     $250

  • HOUSEKEEPING:                    $50


  • TRAVEL:                                 $100

This brings the total to approximately $500 per week per couple who choose to travel for all 52 weeks and see the world.

This only an estimated cost for the 52 week package. Individual costs will vary depending on what mode of transport you choose to travel to the country and from city to city and within a city.

You will pay only the rental component to the Club. Others will be an expenditure you will be making on your own.


We will also have packages for those who cannot or do not want to commit to a long travel period at a time. Of course this will cost higher per week depending on the package:

  • 4 Weeks
  • 12 Weeks
  • 24 Weeks
  • 52 Weeks